Financial Assignment

We are keen to get you thinking and planning for how you are going to spend the money that comes with your continued and effortful participation in the programme.

Please submit answers to this form which outlines:

  1. HOW you are going to spend £1,500 of the up to £2,000?
  2. WHY this spending aligns with your companies goals and the programme timeline?
  3. WHEN you are going to spend it by including an approximate date for each spend?

Please complete and upload your document(s) by Sunday 9th February.

Your allocated point of contact will be getting back to you with feedback on this during your catchup on w/c Monday 10th of February.

**HERE is the Form**

Founders Questionnaire

The Founders Questionnaire is a game to help founders have more open and transparent relationships in particular around early teams.


This Google Form asks you to answer questions on various important considerations like how you feel about selling your business, how you like to communicate, what your work style is etc. Please complete the form by Sunday 9th February.

How? Once all key team members (and if you are a sole founder, then just you) complete the short form, your PoC will review your answers, then we expect all team members to have a frank conversation about the results and the teams allignment. Your allocated point of contact will be getting back to you with feedback on this during your catchup on w/c Monday 10th of February.


The purpose of the questionaire is to start having open conversations early in your founding relationship. There is a huge opportunity cost to being in a misaligned team and you should aim to identify any areas of miscommunication as soon as possible, and talk about them.

NB: this is not a competition, it is for your own benifit to complete the form truthfully.